No matter where you are on your reproductive journey, we can help.
The Repro Legal Helpline provides free, confidential legal services for your reproductive life, including abortion, pregnancy loss, and birth. You know you. We know the law. Our judgment-free legal services are here to help you make the best decision for yourself.
What We Do and Why
We all should have the power and support to make decisions about our bodies, families, and communities, without coercion or punishment. And until that is a reality for all of us, we’re here to support you by answering questions about the laws in your state or supporting you in a legal emergency.
Because laws around the country are changing all the time, our legal services can help explain your rights and potential risk. You can speak with a lawyer directly and browse this site for information on topics like:
- State laws that impact your access to abortion care
- Your rights when talking to health care providers, police, child protective services, and immigration
- Self-managed abortion and the law
- Abortion access for young people
- Rights of pregnant and birthing people
- Medical mistreatment of pregnant people
- Trainings for lawyers, providers, and advocates
Get Involved
We provide legal services for your reproductive life, including when people are experiencing state violence related to pregnancy, pregnancy loss, abortion, or birth.
We need both attorneys and advocates to help support our work. If you’re an attorney, we need your pro-bono skills to help us provide criminal, immigration, and family defense. We’re also looking for advocates and attorneys to support people with judicial bypass, housing, domestic and intimate partner violence, and other client-centered needs.
Support the Movement
Your donation helps us provide free, confidential legal services to people seeking abortion care, experiencing discrimination or a rights violation during labor and delivery, or being criminalized because of a pregnancy outcome.
→ If you don’t need legal help but would like to support the work, donate here.